可以说这个举动从决定的一瞬间开始就毫无疑问将会充满着争议。从公会竞争的角度说,星辰的这个决定也体现出一种破釜沉舟的决心。在以往不论是国服还是台服都在更新时间上长期落后于欧美服2天甚至1个多星期,通过转阵营从而可以化2天落后为5天领先。 一石激起千层浪,结果将会如何呢? 在星辰转阵营开荒英雄模式的消息很快传到了国外最著名的WOW主题网站MMO-Champion.Com。 论坛上有认为合理的,有认为不能接受的,也有比较辩证地去看的: MR INCREDIBL3: It's a clever use of game mechanics and services, nothing bannable. “很聪明地运用了游戏机制和暴雪的服务,没什么好禁止的” darkwarrior42: Honestly, this shouldn't be permitted and should be bannable, imo. It's nothing more or less than paying Blizzard for an in-game advantage. If this stands, I will take it as proof that Blizzard has gone back on their intent of not selling premium services that confer an in-game advantage. “这不应该被允许,这等于是在花钱从暴雪那里购买游戏内的竞争优势,如果真的发生了,我会把这视为暴雪违背了不出售游戏内竞争优势的初衷的证明。” Mykk: Well this is 2 sided thing. Clearly Stars used this method get advantage but while u r allowed to transfer ur guild to another faction. Also i think blizz dont have right to ban them because they havent tried to fix this. Only thing what they can do is learn from this and make it so u cant reset ur ID with this. Its only solution and what comes to ensidia's "clever use of game mechanics" at Lich King it was clearly a bug which they used. This isnt bug. Also what comes to paragon stacking druids at nefarian well not sure if i know all details about that but how i see that it was "clever use of game mechanics". “这事情要从两个方面去看,星辰很聪明地运用可以转阵营这一点取得了优势,我认为暴雪无权处罚星辰因为暴雪自己至今没有修复这个问题,我们能够了解到的就是:哦,原来还可以这么做。Ensidia在LK确实是使用了bug,但是星辰现在不是。对于Paragon在H奈法利安堆砌野德的做法我知道得不是很详细,不过我也认为那属于聪明地运用游戏机制。” Paragon会员表示感到意外并认为星辰有可能被处罚。 Ensidia会员的反应则比较激烈,著名牧师Eoy说他感到非常失望,他认为在ICC时期已经有过这样的先例但星辰没有引以为戒。 Starym I'm gonna hope Blizzard has something to say about that if it really does work that way, i mean can you get MORE exploity than getting a weeks head start by PAYING to transfer? “我觉得这事当真的话,暴雪总得给个交待。还有什么事能比靠花钱就领先一星期更不公平呢?” eoy Damn disappointing really, didn't expect it from Stars. Iirc this has been done before though, and it resulted in a ban from wowprogress. And for every tard who says that they're "more clever and thought of it first" get a grip. Old idea that has been done before and frowned upon by everyone. “太失望了,星辰能干出这种事。如果我记得没错,以前这种例子已经被办了,wowprogress屏蔽过。就跟那些自认为聪明的人说,这事以前被办过,没人支持。”